Frustrating Blogsvertise's Grab Bag Task Error

Finally! Blogsvertise gave me a chance to participate in its Grab Bag task. Blogsvertise did not just gave me one, but gave me two Grab Bag Tasks for each of my blogs. I have two blogs enrolled in Blogsvertise so this means that have four Grab Bag Tasks that I can grab on my Blogsvertise.

So, how did I know that I had a Grab Bag Task? Well, whhen I looked at my Blogsvertise dashboard, I noticed that there are small bags shown right after the name of my blogs.
Blogsvertise Grab Bag Task

I happily clicked one of the bags and accepted one Grab Bag Task. My joy was replaced with frustration when I saw this on my computer screen.

"error occured 10"

Darn! I thought that Blogsvertise gave me a bonus but it seems like the system has some problems.

I checked the Blogsvertise FB page and this is what I saw:
Blogsvertise Error comments in Facebook

Other people are also complaining of the error that is being shown when Grab Bag Tasks are clicked.

Reana Claire's comment truly defines my current situation with Grab Bag Tasks of Blogvertise. "I can only 'drool' but cannot click accept."


6 Response to "Frustrating Blogsvertise's Grab Bag Task Error"

  1. I also wrote there.. "Can see but Cannot touch!" the grab bag is still there now.. hahahaa...


    Good for you that the grab bag is still there onyour Blogsvertise dashboard. My GrabBag is gone. :-(

    very good..

    Unknown says:

    I'm having an even bigger issue with Blogsvertise. After completely one task that was estimated to pay nearly $3,000, the actual amount Blogsvertise paid was closer to $67. This happened in February and after months of being told that they were looking into it, I finally mentioned about having my legal person contact to help resolve this a little sooner.

    They quickly stopped responding, and finally I called them 732.526.1156 and then posted my question on their Facebook page. I got a very fast e-mail back after that from Marie Oriss saying that a man named Rob would be looking into this. I'm assuming this was the same boss Rob that she'd been telling me for months was looking into this. I tried calling today, but 'Rob' is out of the office like 'Marie Oriss' was the other day and was promised a prompt call back, but none came.

    I'm noticing that a lot of people are also having similar issues so post them is you are since it's just not right.

    There is nothing wrong with paying someone to build your website. As a matter of fact this is a smart way to get started unless you have some knowledge about building websites. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time learning a skill you probably are not interested in that much.

    There is nothing wrong with paying someone to build your website. As a matter of fact this is a smart way to get started unless you have some knowledge about building websites. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of time learning a skill you probably are not interested in that much.