Use NetworkedBlogs to Promote Your Blogs in Facebook

Facebook already has more than 200 million users worldwide. Because of this, marketers and businesses have Facebook accounts to take advantage of its wide exposure. Bloggers should also take advantage of the exposure that Facebook has to offer. All serious bloggers should open an account in Facebook, not only for exposure, but also for added interactivity with your visitors. Another reason is that Facebook have a great number of potential readers that you could tap to go visit your blogs.

I, for one, already have a Facebook account and I can say that it helped me reach to out to more people and gave me better connection with other bloggers. Facebook has many tools that could help a blogger reach his/her audience. One tool that I use is the NetworkedBlogs.

NetworkedBlogs is Facebook Application (App) that is useful for bloggers. It is useful because NetworkedBlogs allows your blog to be included in the NetworkedBlogs network of blogs that could be seen by hundreds of Facebook users.

The advantage of this is that your blog may be followed by any Facebook user even if you are not friends. This is great because you can promote your blog in Facebook, not only to your friends or Facebook contacts, but also those people who want to follow your blog without necessarily inviting you to be their friend in Facebook.

This advantage of NetworkedBlogs is made possible by the badge that you can place on your blog. Here is the sample of a NetworkedBlogs badge I placed on my persona-travel blog:

By clicking the NetworkedBlogs badge, visitors of your blog will be able to receive the updates from your blogs on their Facebook account without them inviting you as their contact in Facebook.

So, what are you waiting for? Go no to NetworkedBlogs and have your blogs listed in their network. Don’t forget to place a NetworkedBlogs badge on your blog so that visitors and blog readers will be able to receive real-time updates on their Facebook.

6 Response to "Use NetworkedBlogs to Promote Your Blogs in Facebook"

  1. i have this on my FB pero don' know how it really works

    Well, using this is easy. You just need to place your blog there then put a badge on your blog and your visitors can easily follow updates from your blog on their Facebook without the need of inviting you to be their Facebook "friends."

    EINz says:

    I have been using this one, but I sometimes remove mg blog post on fb coz I am cautious not let others see my post (esp. @work) not to update them on what i am up to. hehe

    You are Ms Einz. That is the risk when you are using NetworkedBlogs.

    So, this means that your blog is semi-secrete. :-)

    Great tips on max using fb. tQ and have a Happy new Year.

    Thanks Bananaz. ^_^

    You are welcome. Happy New Year too.